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Is Data important for your business?

Passio Consulting

When was the last time you checked on the status of your company's clients? How many clients does your business have? How many of those are active and how many of those have left?

If you know the answers to these questions, then you are definitely on the right path! If not, then it might be beneficial to consider learning about data for your business to thrive and achieve the results you are truly capable of.

Let’s start with the basics:

What is data?

To put it simply, data is information that has been transformed into a format that is useful for movement or processing. More specifically, data can be interpreted as material that has been transformed into a binary digital form for use with modern computers and communication mediums. In its most basic digital form, it is referred to as "raw data."

For processed data to be useful in decision-making, it must meet the requirements listed below:

  • The information must be accurate

  • The information must be complete

  • The information must be constantly available

But how can data be helpful in your decision-making processes?

Data can help you make better decisions – But how?

While there are numerous factors to consider when making a decision – such as the state of your business, the news across the world related to your market, and your instinct as a professional – nothing is as convincing as having concrete evidence to support your position.

Data can be used by businesses to make decisions related to the following topics:

  • Acquiring new clients

  • Improving client retention/reducing churn

  • Improving client interactions with your company

  • Controlling marketing initiatives with knowledge

  • Monitoring social media activity

  • Being able to make predictions of trends in sales

  • Improve and personalise customer experience

So, in conclusion, data can help your business make more informed choices and stand out from the competition with detailed resources. Keeping this foundation in mind, we are now going to proceed to showcase a list of reasons why data is important for your business. Keep reading!

1. Data improves the quality of your employees’ lives

You can assist your employees to live better lives by using data. Organisations should use data for a variety of reasons but improving quality should be one of their top priorities. An efficient data system can help your organisation enhance the quality of every worker’s life by enabling measurement and action.

When leaders decide to adopt a policy of making decisions based on evidence that is generated by data analysis, a corporate culture where all employees and business unit leaders participate in making data-driven decisions is promoted. As such, all are involved actively, and therefore there is more motivation and awareness of each employee’s worth and role at the company.

2. Data enables you to keep track of the functionality of important systems

You can use data to keep track of the condition of critical systems in your company and address any issues that require attention. Organisations can address these issues before they turn into crises by using data for quality monitoring. Data quality monitoring is a procedure that keeps track of and guarantees the accuracy of every data instance that is produced, used, and retained within an organisation.

By being proactive, your business will be able to maintain best practices throughout time with the help of effective quality monitoring.

3. Data helps you find solutions to problems more easily

Organisations can identify the root of issues more efficiently thanks to data. Businesses can use data to visualise connections between events occurring in various places, departments, and systems. Different sorts of data analysis are covered by data analytics. Large amounts of data can identify patterns that can be found using data analytics techniques and tools. The conclusions gained serve as the foundation for corporate planning and decision-making.

Using data to find solutions makes companies’ lives easier as it enables them to compare relevant data points that enable the creation of more precise hypotheses and therefore allow the implementation of more efficient solutions.

4. Data helps you achieve the results you need

Data enables organisations to measure the success of each implemented strategy.

After putting methods in place to address a problem, gathering data will help you assess how effectively your approach is working and whether it needs to be adjusted or changed over time. This way you can make adjustments based on real facts and understand in a palpable way how you can improve your results and evolve over time.

On a more concrete note, by analysing data, you can learn when your customers are online, what specific content they respond to, what kinds of offers catch their interest, what types of websites generate more traffic, which e-mails catch their attention, and other relevant information that can be extremely useful for your business.

5. Data allows you to have safe and proven arguments

Do you need to present an argument to a stakeholder? Data is the answer to reinforce credibility and to show your stakeholders that you know what you are talking about.

Using data will make it easier to make a compelling case for system change. Whether you are arguing for better conditions in your workplace or making the case for changes in the structure of your company, using data to support your argument will help you show why changes are required.

6. Data allows you to keep track of every step you take

With data, you can gain access to a wide range of information. Good data concedes organisations a way to establish baselines, benchmarks and goals to keep improving their performance. As data allows you to take measurements, you can define specific goals and keep tracking your steps to understand if you’re getting closer to the final objective, or if there are adaptations you should make.

7. Data helps you improve your offer by analysing the market

Nowadays, selling a product implies that you are up against thousands of other competitors. To be successful, you must comprehend many factors that make up your industry, including what customers are searching for right now, what product categories are most popular, what problems your target audience is trying to solve and how to identify a gap in the market that you might be able to fill. As such, your chances of success are significantly higher if you use data to design your products and services.

More importantly than getting results for your company, the real power of data is that it helps you understand your consumers. Without data, how would you know for sure what your potential clients are looking for? By using data, companies can easily categorise customers into different groups based on shared traits and information, and they can also identify customer issues and therefore comprehend how their products or services address customer demands. With quantitative and qualitative data, you can make a detailed analysis of your work and enhance your current offer, if needed, to improve customer satisfaction.

Now, you may be wondering how you can implement data strategies in your business. That’s where we come in. We help businesses turn data into a competitive advantage. Our areas of expertise include Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Data Warehousing architectures and Data Virtualisation. We combine our values, abilities, ambition and professionalism to provide our customers with the levels of quality and excellence they deserve.

To learn more about Passio Consulting, visit our website and social media.

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